Monday, September 19, 2011


Coby has always been early riser. We never had to wake him up. He was up with the birds - literally. But lately something has changed... it is harder to wake him up. Could it be the fact that he is a teenager and that is what they are supposed to do? I wasn't sure so I asked Coby about it.

"Coby, I think maybe you need to start going to bed earlier because I am having a really hard time waking you up in the morning." Coby, "No Mom, that wouldn't help at all." Me, "I think it would help a lot, you would be better rested and more pleasant. :)" Coby, "You don't understand the problem Mom." Me, "Why don't you explain it to me?"

Coby, "The problem is that when you wake me up you only wake me up to my subconscious level and you need to be waking me up to my mentally conscious level so that I can be aware of my surroundings."

Pause.... (Mom is thinking of what to say next) "Coby, I am pretty sure you just need to go to bed earlier."

I started thinking about how I would wake him up in the morning to be sure that he was fully aware of his surroundings. I could say, "Coby, honey - sweetheart. This is Mom. Tell me if you understand. Are you mentally conscious? Can you tell me if you are aware of your surroundings?"

Instead, I am pretty sure I will stick with my, "I said GET UP!" method. It gets the job done.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Prologue: In the past trying to get Coby to do homework has not been pleasant. Usually it consists of, "Coby, do you have homework?" "No Mom I did it all at school." While exploring the backpack and skyward account we would learn that he did indeed have homework... he just seemed to have magically forgotten about it. It has never been an easy process and yesterday I received a little gift from heaven...

Yesterday was the second day of school. When I got home from work and asked Coby how his day was, he said it was really good. He told me that he needed to find our calculator because he had a homework assignment. Now to many people this may not seem like a big deal, but for me this was HUGE! It is so exciting that I will repeat what I just wrote: Coby said, "I need to find the calculator because I have a homework assignment." My first reaction was, "Praise Jesus."

We found him a calculator and he went into his room with his homework and he sat quietly in his room for 40 minutes. I managed to peek (Mom's word for spy) on him several times because I was certain he had fallen asleep or had taken up a new activity. Everytime I looked he was working hard.

When he finally exited his room he came and found me and said, "That was unbelievable Mom, I finally know what that feeling is like when you finish your homework and get something done on time." He got a big hug from Mom!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Moving Day

We are in the midst of moving and I just found this written on one of the boxes Coby packed. I think I am going to take the message seriously.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

Poke, poke, poke. It was 6 am and I woke up to little fingers poking me and an adorable little 4 year old face staring right at me. What made this face even cuter was a large dark circle around his mouth, under his nose and down to his chin and smeared all over the fingers that were poking me. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that Coby had obviously made himself breakfast.

What could it be? It was the breakfast of champions of course, the ice cream sandwich. I sat up and asked him, “Coby, did you eat an ice cream sandwich this morning?” Coby, “No Mom, I promise I didn’t.” Me, “Lets go in the kitchen and see what is going on in there.”

I walk into the kitchen to search for evidence. It was not hard to find. Here were my clues:
1. Freezer door wide open
2. Chair pulled up to the fridge, so that someone who is not that tall can reach the freezer.
3. Box of ice cream sandwiches sitting on the counter.
4. Three empty wrappers stuck to the counter that looked like they had been quickly devoured.

Me, “Coby, let me ask you again, are you sure you didn’t eat an ice cream sandwich for breakfast?” Coby, “Mom, I promise it wasn’t me.” I took him through each step of the evidence asking him how he thought the door got open and why the wrappers were empty. Finally Coby says, “Okay Mom, it was me. I ate the ice cream sandwiches. I can’t believe you figured it out!”