Saturday, August 27, 2011

13 Things To Do Before School Starts:

Prologue: I came home from work and found this scribbled out on a pad of notepaper by Coby...

1. Act like spy for a day
2. Adopt strange mannerisms
3. Be annoying
4. Be somebody else
5. Become paparazzi
6. Become no one (Invisible)
7. Exorcise a ghost
8. Fake an accent
9. Messaging Machine (He has an app on his phone that lets him change his voice and leave messages for people)
10. Say hey hoo
11. Play air guitar
12. Flirt with people.

Epilogue: Notice there are only 12... by the way at dinnner last night in the middle of the meal Coby yelled out, "When I say Hey - You say Hoo" "Hey...." cut to blank stares and shocked faces

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Janet. This blog is hilarious. Coby seriously reminds me of Justin. They would have been BFFs fo life if they grew up around each other.
